Forest Certification policy

The State Forestry Institution "Logoi Forestry" confirms its commitment to the forestry management system in accordance with the principles and criteria of forest certification aimed at preserving biological diversity.
The policy of Logoi Forestry in the field of sustainable forest management and forest management is based on the system of forest and forest resources management on the principles of constancy, uniformity, sustainability and complexity, ensuring cost-effective, environmentally responsible and socially oriented forestry and forest management, conservation of biological and landscape diversity, use of forest resources and extraction of useful properties of forests for specific purposes, preserving biological diversity and productivity of forests providing reproduction, the viability and sustainability of forests, their performance of appropriate ecological, economic and social functions.
The policy of the forestry management is aimed at compliance with the rules and regulations of forestry and the production of forest products in accordance with international legislation and technical regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Logoi Forestry cooperates with state bodies, public associations, scientific organizations, citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries on issues of environmental management, economic activity and monitoring. The company is guided in its work by international conventions ratified by the Republic of Belarus.
The main goal of Logoi Forestry in the field of sustainable forest management and forest management is the preservation of forest and other forest-related resources, their biological and landscape diversity, the development of forestry, compliance with social justice in relation to employees of the forest complex.
The main purpose of forestry in the field of product identification is to ensure in the production process that forest products and their processed products produced from raw materials and materials originating from forests certified in accordance with the requirements of the international forest certification scheme and the requirements of the forest certification system of the National System differ from products of other origin.
The main objectives of the Institution are:
– preservation and creation of highly productive, high-quality, biologically stable, optimal species and age composition of forests and forest fauna on the territory of the forest fund transferred to the Institution, meeting the modern ecological, social and economic needs of society and the state, taking into account the basic requirements of the legislation for forestry;
– multi-purpose, scientifically based, continuous and sustainable forest management, ensuring the rational use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests, increasing their ecological and resource potential;
– ensuring the needs of economic sectors, legal entities and individuals in wood, other forest products and natural useful properties of forests.
The main task of the Institution is the qualitative organization of forestry, aimed at achieving the main goal of the Institution's activities.
In accordance with the main purpose and main task, the forestry carries out the following main activities:
— organization and implementation of environmental protection measures (protection and protection of forests);
— forestry;
— logging;
— services related to forestry and logging;
— sawing and planing of wood;
— hunting and breeding of game, including the provision of services in these areas;
— collection of wild and non-wood forest products;
— production of nursery products;
— fishing and fish farming.
The Logoi forestry includes 11 forestry departments and a production workshop site "Pleshchenitsy".
To achieve the set objectives, the Logoi Forestry undertakes to adhere to the principles and criteria of sustainable forest management and forest management of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and forest certification of the National Conformity Assessment System of the Republic of Belarus, recognized by the PEFC Council.
The activity of the forestry enterprise will not conflict with the existing international conventions, agreements, standards and other documents in force in the industry. Forestry undertakes to comply with the fundamental ILO conventions and international environmental conventions.

In the economic activity of Logoi Forestry undertakes to prevent environmental pollution, minimize all other negative human impacts on the environment, maintain the principles of environmental responsibility and implement them in daily work through strict compliance with the Forest Code of the Republic of Belarus and other documents in force in forestry.  The forestry enterprise undertakes not to harvest wood by methods contrary to our forest policy and to share our environmental production obligations with our partners. In its practice, the forestry enterprise will continue to take into account the interests of the indigenous population living on the territory of the forestry enterprise, contribute to solving its social and cultural problems, and monitor strategic and production planning.  The level of qualification of forestry specialists contributes to maintaining and increasing the biological value of forests and compliance with labor protection rules. The forestry enterprise undertakes to openly provide information about its tasks for the protection and preservation of forests, their implementation, to cooperate with state authorities, public organizations.

In order to ensure sustainable forest management and forest management, Logoi Forestry is guided by:

— current forest and environmental legislation;

— requirements of technical regulatory legal acts regulating forestry management;

— requirements of the Forest Certification System of the National Conformity Assessment System of the Republic of Belarus, recognized by the PEFC Council;

— requirements of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

In order to obtain, confirm and provide the consumer with reliable information about the origin of forest products from sustainably managed forests in accordance with the requirements of PEFC and FSC, Logoi Forestry carries out identification of forest products on the basis of origin. In order to identify forest products on the basis of origin, Logoi Forestry provides:

— availability of a valid certificate of conformity for the system of forest management and forest management;

— availability of a valid certificate of conformity for forest products and products of its processing on the basis of origin;

— availability of shipping documents confirming the origin from certified forests of wood used for further processing;

— availability of reliable and verifiable data on the volumes of wood (including certified and not certified) coming from other suppliers;

— availability of reliable and verifiable data on the shares of certified and non-certified raw materials and materials in manufactured products;

— providing the consumer with data on the manufacturer of the products, the content of certified raw materials and materials used for the production of these products in the products;

— documentary confirmation of the origin of certified raw materials, materials and products at the stages of passing;

— confirmation of the origin of certified forest products.