Recommendations for the population on behavior when meeting wild animals

In connection with the beginning of active visits by citizens of forests, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus recommends familiarizing yourself with the rules of behavior in the forest in case of a possible encounter with wild animals:
«Memo of behavior when meeting wild animals» (download); 

«How to prevent damage to people's property by wild animals» (download);  
«The main features of behavior when meeting a bear» (download)
"How to behave when meeting wild animals" Draws attention (download)

PAY ATTENTION. If you find a wild animal that is in distress or threatens your life and health, immediately inform the operational duty service of the territorial body of internal affairs or the duty service of the district department of emergency Situations.
Do not try to help the animal yourself. You are putting yourself at risk, the animal may be hurt by rabies or another contagious disease. In addition, an injured or sick animal experiences extreme stress. By your actions, you can aggravate the situation, bringing additional suffering to the animal. Entrust this work to specialists.